Durable Goods Orders in the US and Ifo Business Climate in Europe are the main events today.  Here is an outlook on the market-movers awaiting us.

In the US, Core Durable Goods Orders, value all the manufacturer’s new purchase orders for durable goods, reduce down to -2.9% from 5.6% on the last month is expected while on the  . While on the Core Durable Goods Orders (without transportation items) rise up to 0.5% from -0.7% on March is likely.

Later in the US, Crude Oil Inventories, weekly indicator to value the commercial crude oil barrels of that are held in inventory, rise up to 1.8M from -1.2M on the last time is forecasted.

Finally in the US, Jack Lew, US Treasury Secretary is due to testify in Washington DC.

In Canada, Mark Carney, Bank of Canada (BOC) Governor is due to testify in Ottawa.

In Europe, German Information and Forschung (Ifo) Business Climate, Survey to rate the current and expectations business conditions for the next 6 months, 106.4 points are likely now from 106.7 points on the last month.

In Great Britain, British Bankers’ Association (BBA) Mortgage Approvals, leading indicator of housing market demand to value the new mortgages approved for homes that were purchased by BBA banks, 31.2K is predicted now from 30.5K on the last month.

Later in Great Britain, CBI Realized Sales, Survey to rate the current sales volume, rise up to 7 points is likely now.

In Switzerland, UBS Consumption Indicator is likely to remain 1.26 also on this report.

In Australia, Consumer Price Index (CPI), measures the consumer’s price change of goods and services, rise is likely up to 0.7% from 0.2% on the last quarter. While on the Trimmed Mean CPI 0.5% is due from 0.6% on the last time.

Later in Australia, Philip Lowe, Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Deputy Governor is due to deliver a speech in Shanghai.

In Japan, Corporate Services Price Index (CSPI), is likely to drop down to -0.4% from 0.1% on March.

Trade well